Using Cool Edit Pro I first recorded my fully prepared script in several takes editing out what didn't sound 'right'. I also added some space between liners for additional effects.
An additional track was created for the opening announcer at the club (which was me again). After recording I raised the pitch by about 10% while adding some additional effects to make the voice sound different than my own.
Several more tracks were added to add the crowd noise, clapping, laughs, rimshots, drums, and more. Then with some careful and tedious listening, the arrangment of all sound clips are put together making additional adjustments to the tracks when needed. In the end, it came out sounding like a real comedy club complete with bad jokes, drunken audience members, drum rimshots, etc. Yes, the jokes are really bad which makes it funnier (IMO).
Anyway, check it out this next week on the show either on the podcast,, or on the expanded version of the show on Rockland USA via Live365 Radio Network next Saturday at 7PM EST.