NEW HOT PHOTOS! Let the marketing begin! GERI HALLIWELL aka ‘Ginger Spice’, 34, was spotted in St. Tropez today (8/4) wearing a nice fitting bikini! Wow! All those workouts with the huge sasquatch physical trainer has really paid off! She is obviously ready (physically) for the upcoming Spice Girls concert tour! Speaking of the tour - did you hear
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Saturday, August 04, 2007
Friday, August 03, 2007
Kelly Ripa Is One Ripped MILF
NEW PHOTOS! These photos were taken on the set of LIVE with Regis & Kelly during a cooking segment on August 1. Forget the fact that these two don’t look too pleased with the food they are being forced to put into their gullet, check out the guns on KELLY RIPA! She is one ripped MILF. You can check out our photo gallery of Kelly HERE. Next week...
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L.A. County: Nicole Richie Chooses The Paris Prison
NEW PHOTOS! A spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department is reporting that NICOLE RICHIE’s attorney has contacted them regarding her choice of prison location. Apparently Nic has selected the same prison as Paris - is anyone really that shocked? “Nicole’s attorney contacted us and indicated she wants to...
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Thursday, August 02, 2007
Shakira Takes In The ‘Police’ Concert In New York City
SHAKIRA was spotted last night (8/1) outside Madison Square Garden with some double-chinned dude heading to the Police concert. Someone as hot as Shakira can definitely do better than this guy - just because a guy has VIP passes to a sold out concert makes him hot? He probably posted an ad on Craigslist in the Casual Encounters saying “white ...
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You Can Send The Spice Girls To Baghdad, Iraq - Vote Now!
VOTE LINK: A massive online campaign us underway to get the SPICE GIRLS to perform in Baghdad as part of their upcoming world tour. The Spice Girls official website is currently allowing fans to select the worldwide city of your choice thus turning that city into ‘Spice City’ for a day and a concert performance. The Spice Girls stated: “It’s ...
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Marcia Cross And The Twins - Awwwwwww….
NEW PHOTOS! Okay, I’m throwing the ‘Desperate Housewives’ fans a bone here. I saw these photos of MARCIA CROSS out with her twins in Brentwood the other day and admittedly, well, they are, um, cute. There, I said it. Cute. Though, if you look at the entire photo set it appears that the couple is fully aware of the paparazzi and take advantage of...
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Nipply Jessica Alba Give Procter & Gamble Free Ads
NEW PHOTOS! The folks over at Procter & Gamble are apparently throwing around high-fives after these photos of a chilly JESSICA ALBA hit the Internet. Talk about free publicity for your detergent! ‘Tide with bleach alternative keeps your beaters at their whitest so your nipples poke right through!’ It’s a corporate marketers dream. Isn’t that ...
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Our Thoughts Are With You Minneapolis
We want everyone who was affected by the disaster in Minneapolis to know our thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay strong.
Make Baghdad 'Spice City' For A Day - Vote Now!

Paris Hilton’s Armful Of Bitches

PARIS HILTON was spotted yesterday in Malibu on Tuesday (7/31) relaxing with her collection of bitch chihuahuas. If you compare these dogs to the ones last week you’ll notice there are some new ones here. Just how many friggin’ toy dogs can one person have? It’s almost like these are her stuffed animals to keep her company and out of trouble? Too bad those little rats didn’t turn on her and rip her to shreds! Maybe one day …
The Lamest Victoria's Secret's Lingerie Launch Ever

Wednesday, August 01, 2007
High School Musical’s Ashley Tisdale On The Malibu Beach
NEW BIKINI PHOTOS! ‘High School Musical’ star ASHLEY TISDALE was spotted yesterday (7/31) having a good ol’ time in Malibu! It’s a good time to bring up Ashley - if you have kids or teens, they know that August is a huge month for Tisdale as ‘High School Musical 2′ will be airing this month on the Disney Channel. She will be reprising her role...
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Tara Reid Not Good In Horror, Good On Beach In A Bikini
NEW PHOTOS: While TARA REID was enjoying the sunshine out in St. Tropez this week, film director UWE BOLL talked about Tara in his flick ‘Alone in the Dark’ telling Entertainment Weekly: “Alone in the Dark I think is a solid sci-fi movie, but I had a problem with Tara Reid. She was maybe a little miscast. She’s good in a comedy. But she couldn’t...
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Fattie Rosie O’Donnell Attacks ‘Fragile’ Paula Abdul Onli
NEW PHOTOS: ROSIE O’DONNELL has set her target on PAULA ABDUL. Through a posting on Rosie’s official website, she calls Paula “broken, fragile, needy” among other things. Here is what she posted” “right now paula abdul would yell action and the result would be what we all see. there times u r so broken fragile pain filled love less desperate ...
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Jessica Simpson Turned Down Role In Porn Star Flick
PHOTOS: According to the People Magazine, JESSICA SIMPSON turned down a porn star role in an upcoming movie. Joe Simpson (dad and manager) said, “We were promised we would win an Oscar with that. I was like: ‘We’ll just buy a statue of a little man and keep our clothes on.’” On Jessica’s future plans: “Jessica has three more movies to shoot; she...
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Britney Spears Will Host LAX Nightclub Opening in Vegas
NEW PICTURES! Fashion mogul BRITNEY SPEARS has started wearing bras again - albeit several sizes too small. Britney will be hosting the grand opening of the LAX Nightclub at the Luxor Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas on August 31st. DJ AM will be providing the music. I’m sure the paparazzi will be in full force - problem is the security at the ...
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Hayden Panettiere On Bikini Beach Break From ‘Heroes’
NEW BIKINI PHOTOS! I bring you a huge photo gallery of new HAYDEN PANETTIERE bikini photos. Taking a break from filming yesterday, Hayden puts on her brown bikini and hits the beach with her boyfriend. Her birthday is coming up on August 21 bringing her up to age 18 which makes it sort of bizarre and freaky that she would be voted #6 on FHM’s ...
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Lindsay Lohan Looking Stupid in Bikini and Ankle Monitor
NEW PHOTOS! Here are several new shots of LINDSAY LOHAN at a Boost Mobile Party. Let me ask you all something - considering her last two movies were complete disasters, her legal situation is looking pretty grim, and many callers to talk shows (both tv and radio) are tired of hearing about this tramp - why would any company utilize her to ...
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New Eva Longoria Bikini Shoot
NEW PHOTOS! All new photos of EVA LONGORIA modeling for a Hamid Bechiri bikini photo shoot. I’ve never been a big fan of Eva. She’s too fake for my taste. We all know what she looks like without makeup. It is truly amazing how makeup can make someone look completely different, which is why I would probably have a hard time being a paparazi ...
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YIKES! What The Hell Happened To Ally Sheedy?
NEW PHOTOS! Damn! My images of ALLY SHEEDY in the Breakfast Club movie are all but shattered - now that I’ve seen these new photos of her at some Russell Simmons’ Annual Art For Life fund raiser. Just look at the closeups of her. Her teeth couldn’t be more yellow (either she’s not brushing or she’s puffing up a storm of about 1-2 packs of cigs ...
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Supermom Jennifer Garner Could Kick Your Ass
NEW PHOTOS! Here are some candid photos of the lovely JENNIFER GARNER at the farmers market on Sunday (7/29). She is au-nautral with no makeup and still looking fantastic. She’s trying to stay incognito with the hat and sunglasses, however, she easily sticks out due to her extremely fit body, natural beauty, and ...
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We’re Back From Our Carnival Liberty Cruise Vacation!
We appreciate your patience as we took a week off for some vacation time and to help keep INTERNET RADIO streaming. I wish I could give you a better update on the internet radio situation - everything seems to change daily. Since our stations are not considered a commercial venture, we are basically at the mercy of AOL, Yahoo, Pandora and others...
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Britney Spears As A Stripper In New Music Video
NEW PHOTOS! inally! Our favorite trailer park celeb has realized that she has a hidden talent born to many of her cement mounted RV girlfriends - stripping! And to celebrate her new found ability, she is performing as a stripper in her newest music video due out later this fall. BRITNEY SPEARS isn’t very smart acting as her own manager and ...
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Can Jessica Alba Make A Toyota Prius Hybrid ‘Sexy’?
NEW PHOTOS! JESSICA ALBA may be one of the few individuals in Hollywood who has a purse that is worth more than her car. At least Jessica puts her life where her mouth is - she was spotted driving around in a Toyota Prius yesterday (7/29) in West Hollywood shopping for furniture. I’m not sure why I find that so amusing except for the fact that ...
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Hillary Duff Needs Makeup
NEW PHOTOS! I was driving around South Beach (Miami) yesterday hoping to see some celebrities. Then I got to thinking - would I actually recognize them without makeup? Probably not. Take HILLARY DUFF for example. Here we find her over the weekend in Canada in a store buying several DVDs, Tropicana drinks, Wet Ones, Snickers, Power Bar, and ...
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Paris Hilton’s Armful Of Bitches
NEW PHOTOS! Listen, I may have been on a cruise out in the middle of the ocean for the past week, but I can still watch TV and keep up with the celeb news of Lohan and Britney. Bet PARIS HILTON enjoyed last week with the misfortunes of the other two. Here we find Paris leaving her house with her bitches on Saturday (7/28) with a s**t eating grin...
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Dairy Queen’s New Ads Would Be Funnier If …
This is a funny take on the new DQ commercials with Soft Serve and Waffle. Check this story out.
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