Monday, December 13, 2004

Rockland USA Expansion?

Just got home after getting off of my 'day job' 24 hour shift with only 3 hours of sleep. At any rate, I finally made a decision regarding my initial 2005 plans for Rockland USA - make it bigger so more of my listeners can get into the broadcast.

Here's the deal. If you are not familiar with how works - us broadcasters have to pay for certain packages which allow us to have only so many free 'commercial supported' listener slots. Currently I am paying thousands of dollars a year to have as many listener slots as I can afford to get my dedicated listeners entertained every day.

During the second half of 2004, most of those free slots have been filled up by 11:00EST. The only way someone could tune into the station is if they were a VIP member of Live365. (A VIP membership at gives the listener a commercial free stream of Rockland USA - plus gets you into stations that are out of free listener slots. Rockland USA receives money for the amount of time a VIP listener is tuned to the station which is VERY important to our existence).

For 2005, Rockland usage Pop Rock station will triple the amount of free listener slots! We will also receive double server storage for even more of your favorite hit music. The possible downside to all this great news is that we may be listed on the Microsoft Media Player radio station listings and also the iTunes radio list. That means our audience size will explode due to the increased exposure. We will continue to pay for more free listener slots as we can afford to do so.

The only possible casualty to all of this is the closure of the new station Rockland USA: Mix which has been doing ok in the ratings - just not sure if I can afford to expand the mother ship and keep the new smaller station. Somethings gotta give.

Anyway, I would love to hear your comments on this and any of the other blog posts. Rock on everyone!

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